Du betrachtest gerade Concert-Photos: Wine Lips / Patrice

Concert-Photos: Wine Lips / Patrice

Some month ago I listen to the new album of „Wine Lips“
„Super Mega Ultra“. I thought they are right, it´s Super Mega Ultra! 🙃
Link to youtube.
Need to see the band and found out they play in Munich and Berlin.
Finally they played also in Hamburg at Hafenklang.
So I get a bit lost with my camera in the pogo dancing crowd.
So much fun!
wine lips concert hamburg






End of June I saw „Patrice“ and band on the „Kieler Woche“. In 2000 I bought his Album „Ancient Spirit“. For me it´s one of the best Dub, Reggae – Albums ever. Wonderfully recorded and mixed by Matthias Arfmann.