Somebody of my followers on instagram asked me for help today:
„Can you please send me a screenshot of the link I send you via sms. I can´t reach my account… p l e a s e! “
„Her“ phonenumber was from UK and the link was to restore „her“ insta account / change her password. But it was a link to change my password! So its possible that somebody else could ask instagram for a reset of my password and than usually I will get the sms, but it wasn´t signed by FB or IG. Kind of a teenager-trick… Why do people something like this?
So this hacker unfollows me and changed my user-name „jenzkramer“ to „jenzkramer.__“ and the password of my account.
Take care, there is a lot of stupidity out there!
Update: 2 weeks ago I report it to IG security, till now no answer. I made a new account „“ (A new start 2022 for color photos).
UPDATE: I got my old account back today, yeah! The new account I will use for color Photos. You can follow my old account for BlackandWhite Photos: